

2023-06-09 23:21


Me After the “Double Reduction” Policy
As we all know, the "double reduction" policy has been released to ease the education burden on and off campus for students. And this policy has made a great difference in my life.
The amount of homework has been strictly limited so that I only spend less than two hours finishing all the assignments. Normally, I can complete my homework at school! By contrast, I used to work for a long time until midnight before the policy was put into practice. Thanks to the implementation of the policy, there is more free time that I can schedule by myself. I finally get the chance to do what I am interested in, such as attending dancing classes and researching Chinese history.
In my opinion, this is an excellent policy which not only kindles my passion for seeking knowledge but fosters my ability of time management.

张老师开头就先点明:总体上来说“双减”政策是为了减轻学生校内校外(on and off campus)的学业负担。具体到个人的感受,她把这些内容留到了第二段。
第二段,主要做了政策发布和实施前后的作业量对比。比起宽泛的说“政策好”,对比和呈现作业量和完成时间这样的直观细节,更容易能让读者感到政策所带来的积极变化。(I only spend less than two hours finishing all the assignment. There is more free time that I can schedule by myself.) 要知道,用数据和时事说话能使观点表达更有信服力。

1. amount  n. 金额、总量(尤其以不可数名词连用an amount of time / money / information)
2. schedule v. 安排时间(也常用作名词:日程计划)
3.implement v.实施、执行(implement  decisions / policies / reforms),名词是implementation
4. kindle v. 点燃、激起兴趣 (你想起亚马逊的电子书Kindle了么)
5. foster v. 促进(注意foster 的另外一个意思:收养)
6. by contrast  相比之下(作比较必备表达)
7. thanks to  由于(表示因果关系. 注意thanks to不是感谢, 感谢用thanks for)
8. on and off campus  校内校外(双减的基本内涵:校内校外一起减负)



