

2023-06-09 23:18

“双减”政策(the “double reduction” policy)实施之后,同学们有了更多可以自由支配的时间。同时,大部分学生围绕文娱、体育、户外等主题开展了丰富多彩的活动,给大家的生活增添了生机与活力。某英文网站正面向全市中学生开展以“双减”为主题的征文活动,请用所给题目写一篇英语短文投稿,讲述一下“双减”后你的变化以及感受。

Me After the “Double Reduction” Policy
Does the “double reduction” policy reduce my academic burden? My answer is a firm yes. As the policy has been implemented, I have more time to participate in extra-curricular activities and spend quality time with my family on the weekends.
Before the policy came out, I was overwhelmed by piles of homework. I had to study for very long hours every day from 6:30 in the morning to around 11 o’clock at night. Also, on the weekends, I spent most of my spare time rushing around different private tutoring institutions. Luckily, as I just entered grade 12, the double reduction policy was released. Our school started to offer various free after-school classes. I joined the swimming and drawing club. Every Monday and Friday, I practice swimming. Every Tuesday and Thursday, I learn to draw traditional Chinese paintings. What’s more, I don’t need to attend extra tutoring anymore. Instead, I usually go out with my parents. Last week, for instance, we just went camping by a lake.
All in all, the “double reduction” policy alleviates my burden greatly. It helps me enjoy the final year of junior high school and regain my interest and passion for life.

老师用设问(自问自答)的方式在开头段就表明了“双减”有效的减轻了自己的学业负担。(Does the “double reduction” policy reduce my education burden? My answer is a firm yes.) 正确的运用设问,能引人注意,启发思考。这种实用的引出观点的方式, 大家不妨在自己写作中尝试。

末尾段,老师再次重申“双减”的好处并精炼的总结了自己的感受(It helps me enjoy the final year of junior high school and regain my interest and passion for life.)这种结尾扣题(就是在作文结尾处或总括全文主要内容,或重申主要观点)的好习惯有利于让处于高强度阅卷工作中的评卷人也能轻松认定:该写作从未偏离主题。

1. academic adj. 学业相关的(表达学习相关必备 如:academic  pressure / term / performance)
2. burden n.负担(常见搭配bear/carry/ease/reduce/share the burden)
3. extra-curricular adj.学校课程安排以外的(如果不记得可以用after-school)
4. quality adj. 高质量的(熟词生义 quality除了名词以外 形容词也常用哦)
5. release v. 发布消息(如果想特别指施行,可以用implement /carry out/put into practice)
6. alleviate v.缓和减少痛苦(不记得这个词的话也可以用reduce、ease)
7. be overwhelmed by  被…压垮(使…应接不暇)
8. piles of  大量的 (偏口语化表达 相当于a lot of)
 9. tutoring institution  课外补课机构
